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* منتديات هندسة بلا حدود * يتم تفعيل الحساب خلال 24 ساعة من قبل ادارة المنتدى او من خلال ايميل تسجيل العضو مباشرة *
Main articles: Behaviorism, Psychological behaviorism, and Radical behaviorism Skinner's teaching machine, a mechanical invention to automate the task of programmed instruction A tenet of behavioral research is that a large part of both human and lower-animal behavior is learned. A principle associated with behavioral research is that the mechanisms involved in learning apply to humans and non-human animals. Behavioral researchers have developed a treatment known as behavior modification, which is used to help individuals replace undesirable behaviors with desirable ones. The film of the Little Albert experiment Early behavioral researchers studied stimulus–response pairings, now known as classical conditioning. They demonstrated that when a biologically potent stimulus (e.g., food that elicits salivation) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus (e.g., a bell) over several learning trials, the neutral stimulus by itself can come to elicit the response the biologically potent stimulus elicits. Ivan Pavlov—known best for inducing dogs to salivate in the presence of a stimulus previously linked with food—became a leading figure in the Soviet Union and inspired followers to use his methods on humans.[35] In the United States, Edward Lee Thorndike initiated "connectionist" studies by trapping animals in "puzzle boxes" and rewarding them for escaping. Thorndike wrote in 1911, "There can be no moral warrant for studying man's nature unless the study will enable us to control his acts."[27]: 212–5 From 1910 to 1913 the American Psychological Association went through a sea change of opinion, away from mentalism and towards "behavioralism." In 1913, John B. Watson coined the term behaviorism for this school of thought.[27]: 218–27 Watson's famous Little Albert experiment in 1920 was at first thought to demonstrate that repeated use of upsetting loud noises could instill phobias (aversions to other stimuli) in an infant human,[12][75] although such a conclusion was likely an exaggeration.[76] Karl Lashley, a close collaborator with Watson, examined biological manifestations of learning in the brain.[67]
Clark L. Hull, Edwin Guthrie, and others did much to help behaviorism become a widely used paradigm.[33] A new method of "instrumental" or "operant" conditioning added the concepts of reinforcement and punishment to the model of behavior change. Radical behaviorists avoided discussing the inner workings of the mind, especially the unconscious mind, which they considered impossible to assess scientifically.[77] Operant conditioning was first described by Miller and Kanorski and popularized in the U.S. by B.F. Skinner, who emerged as a leading intellectual of the behaviorist movement. XAUUSD signal
Noam Chomsky published an influential critique of radical behaviorism on the grounds that behaviorist principles could not adequately explain the complex mental process of language acquisition and language use.[80][81] The review, which was scathing, did much to reduce the status of behaviorism within psychology.[27]: 282–5 Martin Seligman and his colleagues discovered that they could condition in dogs a state of "learned helplessness", which was not predicted by the behaviorist approach to psychology.[82][83] Edward C. Tolman advanced a hybrid "cognitive behavioral" model, most notably with his 1948 publication discussing the cognitive maps used by rats to guess at the location of food at the end of a maze.[84] Skinner's behaviorism did not die, in part because it generated successful practical applications. stock signals
The Association for Behavior Analysis International was founded in 1974 and by 2003 had members from 42 countries. The field has gained a foothold in Latin America and Japan.[85] Applied behavior analysis is the term used for the application of the principles of operant conditioning to change socially significant behavior (it supersedes the term, "behavior modification"). Boundaries Early practitioners of experimental psychology distinguished themselves from parapsychology, which in the late nineteenth century enjoyed popularity (including the interest of scholars such as William James). Some people considered parapsychology to be part of "psychology." Parapsychology, hypnotism, and psychism were major topics at the early International Congresses. But students of these fields were eventually ostracized, and more or less banished from the Congress in 1900–1905.[31] Parapsychology persisted for a time at Imperial University in Japan, with publications such as Clairvoyance and Thoughtography by Tomokichi Fukurai, but it was mostly shunned by 1913.[32] As a discipline, psychology has long sought to fend off accusations that it is a "soft" science. Philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn's 1962 critique implied psychology overall was in a pre-paradigm state, lacking agreement on the type of overarching theory found in mature sciences such as chemistry and physics.[61] Because some areas of psychology rely on research methods such as surveys and questionnaires, critics asserted that psychology is not an objective science. Skeptics have suggested that personality, thinking, and emotion cannot be directly measured and are often inferred from subjective self-reports, which may be problematic. Experimental psychologists have devised a variety of ways to indirectly measure these elusive phenomenological entities. Forex trading Signals
Divisions still exist within the field, with some psychologists more oriented towards the unique experiences of individual humans, which cannot be understood only as data points within a larger population. Critics inside and outside the field have argued that mainstream psychology has become increasingly dominated by a "cult of empiricism," which limits the scope of research because investigators restrict themselves to methods derived from the physical sciences.[65]: 36–7 Feminist critiques have argued that claims to scientific objectivity obscure the values and agenda of (historically) mostly male researchers.[37] Jean Grimshaw, for example, argues that mainstream psychological research has advanced a patriarchal agenda through its efforts to control behavior Read signals on https://www.gold-pattern.com/en
هام جداً: قوانين المساهمة في المواضيع. انقر هنا للمعاينة
احترم مواضيع الآخرين ليحترم الآخرون مواضيعك لا تحتكر ال موضوع لنفسك بإرسال عدة مساهماتمتتالية عند طرح موضوع يجب أن تتأكد أن عنوان الموضوع مناسب او لا تحل بحسن الخلق و بأدب الحوار و النقاش < لا تنس أن اختلاف الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية, فلاتتهجم على عضو بدعوى أنه لا يشاطرك الرأي < ان قطعت عهدآ مع عضو فأوفي بوعدك لأنه دين عليك إن حصل خلاف بينك و بين عضو حول مسألة ما فلا تناقشا المشكله على العام بل على الخاص ان احترمت هذه الشروط البسيطة, ضمنت حقوقك و عرفت واجباتك. و هذه افضل طريقة تضمن بها لنفسك ثم لمساهماتك و مواضيعك البقاء و لمنتداك الإزدهار في موقعنا إدارة موقع ومنتديات هندسة بلا حدود للاعلانات والسيو
يعتبر موقع منتديات هندسة بلا حدود من المنتديات المشهورة والمهمة ومن المواقع الهندسية العربية على الانترنت ،وحتى الآن عدد الأعضاء المنتسبين له في المنتديات كأكبر تجمع هندسي عربي حتى الآن .ويهدف الموقع إلى نشر المعرفة الهندسية وتقديم كل ماله فائدة للمهندسين والفنيين والمهتمين من خلال أقسامه العلمية والهندسية المتعددة ،بالإضافة إلى وجود أقسام عامة تستقطب الكثير لمختلف النقاشات الهادفة.
لا مانع من الاقتباس واعادة النشر شريطة ذكر المصدر منتديات هندسة بلا حدود. الآراء والتعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي أصحابها فقط - اقرأ قوانين المنتدى.تصميم منتديات هندسة بلا حدود نبيل الدم